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St. Elizabeth Provider Network


Physician Lead, Professionally Managed

What is St. Elizabeth Provider Network?

St. Elizabeth Provider Network (SEPN) is a Clinically Integrated Physician Hospital Organization (CIPHO) that aligns employed and independent physicians to improve the health of our patient population by establishing common quality initiatives, economic incentives and care management infrastructure. 

Clinical Integration is an active and ongoing process to evaluate and modify practice patterns by the program’s provider participants and create a high degree of interdependence and cooperation among the providers to ensure quality and control costs. Participation in an effective clinically integrated network will provide SEPN’s members the ability to contract collectively with health plans without violating antitrust laws.

Dr. Dan Flora speaks with a Patient.

Member Benefits

SEPN is designed to reward value over volume in an equal collaboration between employed providers of St. Elizabeth and the independent provider community of Northern Kentucky and Southeastern Indiana.

Patricia Abello

Questions & Answers

Explore the St. Elizabeth Provider Network (SEPN) and find out about our dedication to providing excellent and affordable services. Learn more about SEPN and our mission to prioritize high-quality healthcare.

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Governance & Board Members

SEPN is governed by a board of directors comprised of equal representation from three groups: independent community physicians, St. Elizabeth Healthcare and St. Elizabeth Physicians. This board operates for the explicit purpose of overseeing the successful development, implementation and ongoing operations of SEPN. Employed and independent physicians lead and participate on committees that develop and maintain clinical protocols and govern the clinical and financial functions of the organization.

St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Garren Colvin, President & CEO, St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Gary Blank, EVP/COO

Bruno Giacomuzzi, SVP/COO

Hank Kerschen, President, St. Elizabeth Provider Network

Heidi Murley, MD, EVP St. Elizabeth Healthcare/CEO and President St. Elizabeth Physicians

Lori Richey-Baldwin, SVP & CFO, St. Elizabeth Healthcare

St. Elizabeth Physicians

Independent Community Physicians

Matt Gruenkemeyer, MD

Ben Jones, MD

Attef Mikhail, MD

Brad Miller, MD

Perry Poteet, MD

Brain Shay, MD

David Stanforth, MD

Samir Vermani, MD

Contact Us

Learn More

For more information about the St. Elizabeth Provider Network, please call 859-301-SEPN (7376).