
Congratulations, you are soon to be a new mother! This is an exciting time and a time to make decisions. One of the most important decisions you need to make is how to feed your baby. We know you want to provide the best for your baby. And that’s why we recommend breastfeeding. By breastfeeding you can give your baby the perfect start to a healthy and happy life.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

  • Mothers who breastfeed cherish the special closeness they have with their babies. Breastfeeding your baby helps you relax and can give you a unique feeling of love. Your baby will feel safe and loved, too.
  • Breastfeeding can help keep your baby healthy. Breastfeeding can help your baby resist to pneumonia, colds, ear infections and allergies. Your milk is easy to digest, so your baby won’t spit up as often and is less likely to get diarrhea or colic. Your breast milk helps your baby’s brain develop and may improve your baby’s IQ
  • You can keep breastfeeding after you return to work or school. Breastfeeding doesn’t have to “tie you down.” Many mothers go back to work or school and still breastfeed their babies. With a little practice, you can learn to hand express or pump your milk. Plan ahead by talking to your employer about where to pump and store your milk. Breastfeeding helps keep your baby well, so you won’t have to miss work as often. Many mothers say that breastfeeding helps them feel close to their baby even when they are away.

  • Breastfeeding can be good for you too! Breastfeeding may keep you from having heavy bleeding after childbirth. Some women may lose weight faster when they breastfeed. Breastfeeding may also protect you from certain breast and ovarian cancers.

A full tummy is a happy tummy, and you can expect support from your team at St. Elizabeth Healthcare however you choose to nourish your baby. Because of its many benefits, you can depend on us to offer support and guidance to successfully breastfeed every step of the way.

Learn More

For more information about the services available through The Family Birth Place, please call (859) 301-2229 (BABY).

How long should I breastfeed?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all babies be exclusively breastfed for the first six months with the addition of iron-rich foods thereafter and continuation of breastfeeding through the first year and/or as long as mutually desired.

Why go to breastfeeding class?

  • You will learn the importance of effective Latch and how to get it.
  • You will learn how to prevent and treat sore nipples.
  • You will find out how many times babies need to feed every day and how long feedings should last.
  • You will learn feeding cues and the importance of demand feeding and rooming-in.
  • You will learn how to tell if your baby is getting enough milk.
  • You will learn about breast pumps that work and those that don’t.
  • You will learn about the importance of support and the role of LaLeche League International.
  • You will meet a Lactation Consultant from the hospital and will have names and phone numbers to call for help.

Explore the Family Birth Place!

Take a virtual tour and see what to expect before you deliver your bundle of joy.