Your daughter is nearing those ever-so-exciting teenage years, and you have some questions. Or she does. Or, maybe, you both do.
Either way, you shouldn’t be shy when approaching your daughter’s first gynecology visit.
When should she go?
According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a young woman should have her first gynecology visit between the ages of 13 and 15, but the ages actually can run the gamut, said Christy Ganshirt, a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) with St. Elizabeth Physicians, depending on when a young woman starts menstruation, if she’s having issues with her menstrual cycle, or if she has questions.
For Ganshirt, the ages she sees first-time patients usually range between 11 and 18.
“Girls having period problems or girls with questions,” she said. “That’s usually when they first come in.”
How do I help her get ready?
What is important is that, whenever the initial conversation takes place, it lays the groundwork between a young woman and her provider for a trusting and comfortable relationship, Ganshirt said.
And comfort is key.
When Ganshirt first meets with a new patient, she spends a lot of time talking with her, asking if she has questions, letting her know she can’t say anything that will shock, and whatever is shared will be kept confidential.
“It’s not going to be anything I haven’t heard before,” she said.
But Ganshirt also lets the young woman know that if anything is brought up that’s concerning with regard to her well-being, it will have to be shared: “I’m duty bound and legally bound to report it to the authorities and tell mom.”
What will happen at her first visit?
At the first visit with a gynecologist, an internal pelvic exam likely won’t be performed. Instead, the provider will conduct an external exam to search for abnormalities. If the girl is struggling with irregular periods, treatment options will be discussed.
At the end of the day, the primary goal of the initial visit is to provide information and guidance and build a relationship so the young woman will feel comfortable coming back.
“I want them to trust me so they’ll come back for the rest of their reproductive lives and beyond,” Ganshirt said.