Think back to your high school and college days, also known as the “BK” time period (before kids).
Do you remember saying some of these mantras we read on Buzzfeed this week?
Of course you do! Everyone says these things until the reality of starting a family and taking care of their own children sets in.
Here are our favorites:
- I’ll never ever yell at my kids.
- My kids will always behave at the grocery store.
- No way will I post pictures of my kids to Facebook.
And we’d also like to add to the list, “I’ll never buy a minivan.”
If you’re a new parent or struggling to adapt to your kids’ behavior, remember that lots of other people have been, are and will be in your exact same shoes. If you’re struggling with balancing kids, your job and all your other responsibilities, be sure to check out our article “How to restore your work-life balance” for tips on how to get some structure back into your life.
If you ever have any questions about raising kids, we may not always have the answer, but we’ll try to find it for you. Let us know how we can help!