When your monthly period shows up, there are new alternative products beyond the typical tampons and pads.
A menstrual cup – which has been around for 80 years but has recently gained popularity – is a flexible, bell-shaped, rubber or silicone cup that is inserted into the vagina to catch menstrual fluid instead of absorbing it like pads or tampons. The cups come in disposable and reusable versions and they don’t need to be changed as often as a tampon. Products like the reusable Diva Cup say they can be used for up to 12 hours before you need to remove and clean out the cup.
A menstrual cup can be an option for women who don’t want to worry about frequently changing a pad or tampon, or for women who are worried about the potential environmental impact of disposable tampons and pads. One menstrual cup can be used for up to a decade with proper care.
Other eco-friendly products that have gained popularity include reusable underwear with a built-in pad or a reusable cloth pad similar in style to the disposable variety.
“I have a handful of patients that I am aware that use (the menstrual cup),” said Dr. Stephen Hensley, a physician at St. Elizabeth Women’s Health Cold Spring location. “The menstrual cup is a great option for some. I don’t see a drawback. It’s more of a comfort level of putting a reusable device into the vagina for menstrual blood rather than disposing of a tampon or pad.”
It does require a change of mindset when it comes to placing the cup, cleaning it, storing it and reusing it, especially when the majority of women are accustomed to simply disposing of a tampon or pad, Hensley said.
If you notice changes in your period or think something might be a cause for concern, consult your health care provider.