Oh my gosh! It’s the holidays! I have all of this work to do. And my schedule is packed with parties and lunches and cleaning and cooking.
We know “slowing down” is easier said than done, that’s why we have ten suggestions to help you simplify the holidays. Trying all ten this year will probably just make your holidays more stressful, so take a deep breath and try one or two now, then save the rest for the New Year.
1. Start a new tradition
Do you always make a fruitcake to take to Uncle Ben’s party? Do you always wrap presents the night before Christmas? Try something new this year ““ just make sure it relieves stress, instead of adding to it.
2. Make a cup of citrus tea
Smelling citrus can reduce stress and make you feel better. Curl up by the fire with a steamy cup of orange ginger tea ““ add honey for an extra immune boost ““ and you’ll feel better in no time.
3. Involve your family
If you’re hosting this year, ask family members to bring their favorite dish. Who cares if you have three different kinds of mashed potatoes ““ everyone will love it.
4. Sing loud for all to hear
Assemble your loved ones to sing holiday music. Whether you walk around your neighborhood or just belt out your favorite tunes in your home, it’s a fun way to decompress.
5. Laugh out loud
A good giggle will reduce stress and help your immune system do its thing. Crack a smile at your dad’s terrible jokes. Your immune system will thank you ““ and it’s an extra present for your dad!
6. Give back
Grab a tag off a giving tree and make someone’s holiday a little brighter. Next time you get a coffee, pay for the person behind you. You don’t need to make big gestures or donate lots of money to improve someone’s day. Can’t afford to buy something? Give your time to a local nonprofit organization that needs a helping hand.
7. Avoid overeating
It’s easy to gain weight between Thanksgiving and New Year, so avoid the foods that exceed your daily calorie allowance in one bite. It’s okay to indulge a little, but eating too much fried, salty and sugary foods will make you feel sluggish.
8. Say “no”
Spending time with loved ones is one of the best parts of the holidays. You’ll never enjoy the season if you’re slaving over a Pinterest-worthy dish for your holiday party. You’ll be too tired to talk to people if you hit three parties in one night. Everyone will understand if you need to say “I can’t do that.”
9. Put down the phone
That constant cell phone ding is enough to drive the sanest a little crazy. Make a commitment that the family goes tech-free at just one holiday party this year. You can do it ““ we believe in you.
10. Enjoy the season
It’s an oldie, but a goodie. Take the time to delight in all of the seasonal goings-on. Remember to relax and smell the holly!
Which tip did you choose this year? Let us know ““ and tell us how it goes ““ on Facebook.