Happy Memorial Day! We hope you’re enjoying a day off at home with your family or friends. Since Memorial Day is the unofficial kick-off to summer each year, here are a few reminders to keep your skin safe while you’re outside.
As we shake the dust off our shorts, t-shirts and summer dresses and spend extra time outside, our skin is being exposed to more UV rays. And trying to get a “base tan” before you hit the beach will overexpose your body’s largest organ to deadly radiation before the summer even begins.
Before you think you aren’t at risk or you’ll probably be okay, here’s a quick reality check. Frequent tanner Tawny Willoughby was brave enough to share her story about regular tanning bed use (quick warning – photo may be too graphic for little eyes). She’s 27 years old.
Melanoma and other types of skin cancer are largely preventable, yet sunscreen use remains low, especially among men. And many people continue to use tanning beds, despite warnings like Willoughby’s photo above.
Do your skin a favor this year and lather on the sunscreen before your go outside. Trust us, no tan is worth risking your health.