The end of pregnancy can feel like a waiting game and not a very fun one. Every twinge, every pain, every bathroom break is carefully analyzed and scrutinized for signs of labor.
You’ve probably heard that being able to breathe again (i.e., the baby has dropped), the loss of your mucus plug, and nesting (that sudden spurt of energy at the end of pregnancy) are all signs “labor day” is right around the corner, but what are the sure signs of labor? How do you know when it’s real and when it’s (unfortunately) just a false alarm?
Dr. Amanda Von Hoene, an OB-GYN at St. Elizabeth Healthcare, gives us some clear-cut clues:
1. Your contractions are consistent and getting closer together.
Many women have contractions at the end of pregnancy. The difference is they’re usually irregular unless it’s true labor.
“Some people have irregular contractions for days and days,” Von Hoene said. “What we’re looking for is regular contractions that are actively changing your cervix.”
When your contractions are coming every three to five minutes and have been that consistent for at least an hour, it’s probably time to call your doctor.
2. Your contractions are painful.
We’re talking worse than regular menstrual cramps.
Although labor can start off feeling like it’s “that time of the month,” it almost always progresses into pain that is so intense you can barely walk or talk, Von Hoene said.
“Usually the real ones are pretty painful,” she said.
3. Your water has broken.
Some people believe that if their water has broken but they’re not having contractions, they don’t need to call their doctor yet, Von Hoene said, but that’s a misconception she wants to set straight.
“If you think your water broke, you have to call your doctor,” she said. “As soon as your water breaks, you’re at an increased risk for infection and, if you’re full term, you’re going to have the baby regardless of whether or not you’re having contractions.
Women can sometimes confuse their water breaking with discharge or urine, but if they suspect it’s amniotic fluid, they should always call, Von Hoene said.
And when a woman’s water breaks, it’s not always Niagara Falls. According to the American Pregnancy Association, a dramatic gush of amniotic fluid only occurs in one in every 10 women. More commonly, the amniotic fluid can be a small leak.
You also should call your doctor if you experience a lot of blood at the end of pregnancy, Von Hoene said. Light spotting can be normal, but always call if something is concerning to you.