When you get a group of seasoned runners together, they’re bound to tell race stories. And there’s one story it seems everyone shares:
They’ve all had tummy troubles at a very inconvenient time.
Proudly, many will say, “at least I made it to a bathroom!” Others… aren’t so lucky.
If you’re taking part in the Flying Pig this weekend, you may have already mapped out bathrooms along the way. As my mom always says, “it’s better to know where they are and not need one, than to need one and not know where they are.”
So what’s actually happening to your body?
Greatist explains, when you work out, you increase movement in your gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to unpredictable digestion issues.
Your circulation won’t help you when running long distances. Your blood is directed away from your gastrointestinal tract and toward your muscles. Great for a personal best…not so good when you feel “the urge” with no bathroom in sight.
Greatist has tips from doctors and runners to keep your tummy feeling great – whether you’re running 3.1 miles or 26.2.
The best suggestion? Stay hydrated the day before you run!