A member of the cabbage group known for its edible buds, this month’s produce of the month is the small but mighty brussels sprout! These leafy vegetables are a great source of fiber and vitamin C at only 38 calories per 1 cup serving. The taste of brussels sprouts vary depending on how they are prepared. While slightly bitter, you may enjoy them shredded as an addition to salads or slaw. Or roast them for a sweet, nut, smoky flavor. Try this easy beginner roasted brussels sprouts recipe to get you started: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/67952/roasted-brussels-sprouts/ Or if you’re feeling adventurous and want to add variety, try a balsamic glaze on this roasted vegetable medley, featuring the brussels sprout: https://stelizabethhealthcare.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/TargetHealthChannel/EfTY3Ftm7IhLmCtmH4ppCwgBr5mETcH5hAwALbv-jKg92A?e=dzpeco
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