In communities all across the United States and the world, people join together to be a part of Relay for Life. This incredible event celebrates cancer survivors and honors those warriors who have lost their battle to the disease.
What is Relay for Life?
Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature fundraising event. Participants form teams and those team members take turns walking around a track. Each event is at least a few hours long, with many events lasting an entire 24 hours, signifying that cancer never stops to sleep.
St. Elizabeth Healthcare is a proud participant of multiple Northern Kentucky Relay for Life events in 2018:
- Relay for Life of Dearborn County on Saturday, May 12
- Relay for Life of Grant County on Friday, May 18
- Relay for Life of Northern Kentucky on Saturday, September 22
Amanda Simpson, Oncology Nurse Manager at St. Elizabeth Healthcare, says the events directly impacts the Northern Kentucky community.
“The funds raised during Relay for Life go to cancer research, patient services, community initiatives and cancer programs,” she explains. “A lot of our patients at St. Elizabeth benefit from the resources offered by the American Cancer Society that are made possible from funds raised at the Relay for Life.”
How can I get involved in Relay for Life?
Whether you are a current cancer patient, a cancer survivor, a loved one, a caregiver or a concerned community member, there is a spot for you at Relay for Life. You can create your own team or join an existing team. If you’d prefer, you can serve as a volunteer at the event and enjoy all of the different aspects of Relay for Life. There are many opportunities to be a part of this great event.
“I got involved because I wanted to do something more for our cancer patients and our survivors,” says Amanda. “My favorite part of the event is the people that I’ve met, fundraising with my team and honoring all of the cancer survivors. It’s powerful.”
Sign up for Relay for Life
For more information or to sign up for one of the upcoming Relay for Life events, visit the Relay for Life information page. St. Elizabeth is proud to support the American Cancer Society and all of the teams participating in the Relay for Life events.