August is national breastfeeding month, and Sandi Brown ““ a registered nurse and lactation consultant with St. Elizabeth Healthcare ““ wants to spread the word about what she wishes more mothers knew when it comes to breast infections.
First, the definition: Mastitis is the name for an infection of the breast that causes inflammation. Often, it’s caused by an open wound or the obstruction of a milk duct.
If you’ve ever had it before, you know mastitis is painful: “It feels like you’ve been hit by a truck,” Brown said, and typically comes with flu-like symptoms: a high fever, chills and muscle aches.
Unfortunately, you also might know that if you’ve had mastitis before you’re more likely to get it again. And it seems that some women are more prone to it than others.
“If you’re using the same position every time you feed, you’re more likely to get a plugged duct or mastitis because only certain milk ducts are being emptied,” Brown said. “If someone latches incorrectly and we can’t correct the latch, they’re more prone, too. Others who are more susceptible are the mothers who pump their milk and feed their baby that way exclusively.”
In addition, if a mom isn’t taking care of herself ““ if she’s not getting enough rest or not eating right or is experiencing a lot of stress or is anemic ““ her immune system gets weakened, which makes her more likely to contract mastitis, too.
But, there are a few things you can do to prevent mastitis from occurring in the first place or a recurrence from happening.
Brown advises thoroughly emptying your breasts ““ particularly if one is feeling especially heavy or sore ““ during feedings. You also should treat a clogged duct by applying heat to the area or massaging the area at the first sign of discomfort.
You also should call the doctor at the first sign of infection.
If you catch a clogged duct and treat it early enough, it usually resolves on its own without progressing to mastitis, but mastitis requires an antibiotic, and, if it’s not treated, it can become an abscess and require surgery.