A new layer was added to the flu shot debate ““ and it centers around moms-to-be.
Like many of people, pregnant women may question whether or not they should get a flu shot, or maybe they don’t think of it at all. In August, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) called for all pregnant women to get a flu shot regardless of how far along they are in their pregnancy. The call to action came from updated guidelines by ACOG, and more evidence showing the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine for pregnant women.
“It is important to get a flu shot every year but especially during or prior to pregnancy,” advised Dr. Amanda Von Hoene of St. Elizabeth Physicians Women’s Health in Cold Spring. “The immune system is weaker during pregnancy and pregnant women can have more complications from common illnesses. You should speak with your doctor if you are pregnant or trying to conceive regarding the flu shot and other recommended vaccinations,” she continued.
According to the Huffington Post, another thing to consider is that, “getting the vaccination when pregnant protects not only the expectant mom, but also the baby, who can’t be vaccinated against influenza until he or she is at least six months old.”
To find out when and where you can get a flu shot in your area, you can call 1-800-737-7900 or click here.