Ever find yourself snacking while preparing dinner? Many of us are guilty.
Maybe you start munching on chips while the meal is cooking and before you know it, half the bag is gone and your appetite is ruined. Why do we do this? Because we’re hungry, of course! But rest assured, there is a better way to snack.
Your best snacking alternative
Use low-calorie vegetables as your appetizer and ditch the high calorie snacks. Carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, and tomatoes are just a few of the many veggies that you and your family can munch on while you are waiting for dinner. Enjoy these plain or dipped in low-fat salad dressing and low-fat veggie dip for some extra flavor.
Short on time? Most grocers sell pre-cut and washed veggies that are ready to eat so no prep is required. And since most of us fall short on getting the recommended daily 2 ½ to 3 cups of vegetables, this smart snack idea will help you reach the daily veggie quota!