We hear the claims about probiotics from Dr. Oz and see the articles on Facebook. Friends say adding more probiotics to their diet has had a huge impact.
But, what exactly are probiotics?
Probiotics are living microorganisms (one-cell living beings) frequently referred to as “cultures” that are usually bacteria, but can include yeast as well.
Probiotics encourage:
- Proper development of the immune system
- Digestion of food and absorption of nutrients
- Absorption vitamins and minerals
- Elimination of toxins
- Prevention the overgrowth of yeast and other pathogens
A little gut lesson”
The gut has a big influence on health because it has 100 trillion bacteria (about three pounds worth!) in the intestinal tract. Some of the bacteria are helpful and some are not. In an ideal situation, the good bacteria keep the bad bacteria in check. Approximately 80% of the immune system is located in the digestive tract. If the digestive system is imbalanced and has more bad bacteria than good, there’s a possibility the immune system will be suppressed and not function optimally. So, how do you make sure everything is running smoothly?
How to replenish the good bacteria:
- Consume prebiotics on a regular basis
- Increase probiotic foods when taking antibiotics or consider taking a probiotic supplement at the same time you take the antibiotic and for a week after finishing the antibiotic. Your pharmacist will be able to suggest a probiotic that is appropriate for you as an individual.
- Consider being “proactive” by taking a probiotic when traveling, and during times of stress and illness.