We may not have been directly hit by #Blizzard2015 this week, but that doesn’t mean we can’t cuddle up with someone for a warm hug here in the Midwest.
It turns out warm hugs may not only help keep the frigidness of a wintry blizzard away, but they may also have positive health benefits, both mentally and physically. Anyone who has ever experienced positivity emitted through a good, warm hug can attest to this.
Researchers wanted to determine whether this phenomenon is founded in science, and explained the results of a recent study, which you can read on WCPO.com.
For many, hugs are a sign of support during times of distress. Even for humans who are not extremely “touchy,” (looking at you, Sheldon Cooper), offering a hug to someone that needs one is a great way for both parties to instantly feel better.
Hugs may help relieve stress and help lower high blood pressure. Of course, close, personal touching may also help spread communicable diseases so it’s not exactly a cure-all. But, it is a sure way to make someone’s day, and may even help them overcome a conflict in his or her life.
You can read more about the study at WCPO.com.