You go to the gym, work up a sweat, and think, man, that was a great workout! But then the next day, you’re not even sore. What gives?
If this has ever happened to you, you’ll want to check out this article from Greatist. It includes six tips to figure out if you’re really getting a good workout while you’re still at the gym.
Here are a few simple things we’re going to try:
1. Your heart rate is three fourths of your maximal heart rate for at least 20 minutes.
To calculate your maximal heart rate, do this equation: 208-(age x .7).
2. You feel challenged (in a good way).
If you want to know how challenging your workout is, try the talk test. If you can sing while working out it’s a little easy, if you can carry a conversation it’s challenging, and if you can’t talk and are gasping for air, you may want to ease up on the intensity.
3. You sleep better at night.
If you are getting better quality sleep at night after working out, you got a good workout. If you hit the gym and are restless, this may indicate you are training too hard.
4. You’re more focused the rest of the day.
Working out doesn’t just give you a physical boost, it gives you a mental one as well. Some of the benefits of a good workout include: better mood, confidence, higher productivity and better focus.
Head over to Greatist to see even more signs, and don’t forget to add rest days into your training schedule. Remember, getting a good workout doesn’t necessarily mean you’re soaked in sweat and can barely walk the next day. As the experts say, working out should build you up, not tear you down.
Now, that said, get back to the gym!