According to an article from, “from 1980 to 2008, the number of obese individuals has doubled.”
That’s a pretty startling statistic, causing many to begin combating obesity. The problem is they are approaching the fight the wrong way.
Here are six mistakes people make when fighting obesity:
“Starve and binge”
In the short-term, starving and binging will probably show some good results; however, in the long run, you might actually start to gain weight. In order to avoid a decrease in metabolism and the inevitable weight gain, eat small, nutritious meals throughout the day.
“Just count the calories”
Losing weight is not all about the calories, although some people think it is. What you really want to focus on is the nutritional value associated with the food. If you want that nutritional punch, stick to fruits, veggies, lean meat and whole grains. These are what are called “nutrient dense foods.” They do a body good.
“Focusing on small muscle groups”
Getting to the gym can be a struggle, but once you’re there, you should make the most out of your workout. Instead of focusing on small muscle groups like your arms, or abs, which won’t burn as many calories as your legs, try a whole body workout.
“Not getting enough sleep”
Sleep is a requirement to live, and having enough sleep is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Getting enough sleep comes with benefits like an increased metabolic rate and time for your body to recover (especially if you’re hitting the gym).
“Not having supplements”
If you are obese and trying to lose weight, you may need supplements to ensure you are getting all of the nutrients you need. If you aren’t getting enough protein from your diet, whey could be an option. If you are working with a calorie-deficit program, a branched chain amino acid supplement will help muscle growth. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting a weight-loss program. He or she can also help you decide which supplements will work best with your diet.
“Surrounding yourself with negative individuals”
Negative individuals will only bring you down and make it harder to lose weight. Find people who share your desire for a healthy lifestyle. They will have a positive impact on your life, and you may find a gym buddy to make working out less of a chore.