Deep down, we know we should avoid processed foods, but every now and then we need to grab something quick off the grocery store shelf. Before you toss that veggie burger or salad dressing into your cart, take a closer look at the label.
An ingredient that extends your foods’ shelf life could be causing serious problems, from obesity and Type 2 diabetes to inflammatory bowel syndrome. When you are scanning nutrition labels, look for any of the “gums,” such as xanthan. These ingredients, known as emulsifiers, are found in everything from ice cream and milk to hamburgers.
Even foods the FDA considers healthy, those without trans fat or gluten can contain emulsifiers. The biggest concern surrounding the additive – it can change the way you digest food, encourage you to overeat and cause you to retain belly fat. Of course, this ingredient isn’t the only thing causing our obesity epidemic, but it could play a substantial role.
Bottom line – next time you see one of the “gums” on your food’s nutrition label, it may be time to pass on that particular item.