Viewers of ABC’s fitness show, “Extreme Weight Loss,” remember Rod Durham as the 50-year-old teacher from Tallahassee, Fla. with the cherubic smile. They’ll remember that he lost almost 180 pounds during the 2014 season of the show. They may remember his efforts to help others lose weight, too.
Unfortunately, he also is remembered as a cautionary tale for friends and loved ones who suffer from diabetes.
Durham, 52, died recently of diabetic complications after suffering from diabetic shock and slipping into a coma.
Diabetic shock – a state of severe hypoglycemia, or extremely low blood sugar – can be extremely serious among people suffering from diabetes, even those who are closely managing their blood sugar levels. Shock usually happens in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Because their bodies don’t produce enough insulin by themselves, Type 2 diabetics may need several self-administered insulin shots a day, measuring their blood sugar before each shot.
They also need to adjust their exercise and eating habits to match their insulin levels. If they miscalculate the amount of insulin needed for a shot or are unable to eat in a timely manner and their insulin may become too high, causing a dangerous drop in blood sugar. That’s diabetic shock.
At that point, the diabetes sufferer may not be able to help themselves; they may not be able to recognize anything is wrong. Higher cognitive functions are affected, and they may appear drunk. In severe cases, they may lose consciousness. If they’re alone or unaided, they could fall into a coma. Death may also result.
Many seasoned diabetics are aware when their blood sugar is low; however, if those levels are low enough to affect their lucidity, it’s important for others to recognize symptoms. Common signs include:
- Dizziness and clumsy movements
- Sweating and palor
- Personality changes, like becoming irritable, and
- Confusion
- Extreme hunger. When blood sugar drops, the body understands that it needs food.
- Tingling hands
- Trembling
What to do
When a diabetic displays noticeable symptoms such as these, time could be of the essence. The best response to a hypoglycemic attack is sugar, like a glucose tablet that some diabetics carry with them for emergency use. In the absence of glucose tablets, candy, juice, sugary soft drinks or anything else with straight sugar can fill in. According to the American Diabetes Association, the ideal dosing is three glucose tablets, a half cup of fruit juice, 5-6 pieces of hard candy or the rough equivalent.
Some diabetics may have a prescription for glucagon, a hormone that raises blood sugar. Glucagon is administered by injection, like insulin, and the diabetic may be able to inject himself. If they cannot, they may need help.
If the diabetic does pass out, do not administer sugar or insulin. Do not inject glucagon and do not give them food or liquids. Call 911 immediately and wait with them until help arrives, making note of the time of the attack and the duration to pass along to emergency responders.