Losing weight can be really difficult. It takes motivation, discipline, support and commitment. It also takes know-how.
One way to get started is by cutting calories from your daily diet. This article from Health.com shares 25 ways to cut 500 calories a day. We picked out a few of our favorites:
- Don’t eat in front of the TV. If you’re watching TV, you aren’t thinking about what you’re putting in your mouth. This leads to mindless eating and lots of extra calories.
- Limit salad toppings. Cheese, candied nuts, dried fruit, croutons and certain dressings can add a lot of calories. Stick to adding flavorful fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat dressings.
- Use smaller plates. A plate that fits less food but still looks full, means you’re eating less without feeling any less full.
- Skip the whip. If you’re a latte drinker, keep it as low calorie as possible by ordering without the whipped cream and with non-fat milk.
- Order small versions of desserts. Some restaurants offer desserts designed for one person that can knock off hundreds of unwanted calories while satisfying your sweet tooth. If you can’t find mini-desserts on the menu, be sure to only eat a single portion and give the rest to a fellow diner or take the rest home for another day.
For more tips on losing weight the healthy way, you can contact a nutritionist at the St. Elizabeth Weight Management Center at (859) 212-GOAL (4625).