Two cups, three cups or four cups a day? How much coffee do you consume? On average, people in North America consume about two cups a day.
In a recent study, shared by WebMD, researchers were able to link six genes to our coffee consumption. Now, you can blame your genes for your coffee cravings. Two genes appear to be linked to the “kick” that we feel from caffeine. Two others are linked to the way our body metabolizes caffeine. This could explain why some people are able to consume larger amounts of coffee without feeling any effects. The last two genes, according to one of the researchers, “were really unexpected.” They had previously been linked to metabolism of fats and sugars, but are now suspected to impact our ability to sense blood glucose levels, which may influence our response to caffeine.
Studies on coffee and its positive and negative effects on our body are always being conducted. The next step in this specific research is to examine the genes identified in this study and see if they impact the risk of certain diseases. To learn more, you can visit the full article here. You may also be interested in reading our article: Coffee doesn’t have to wreck your diet.