Winter brings the excitement of ice and snow, along with a higher risk of injuries. Ensure you’re spending your winter evenings in front of a fire or enjoying cozy moments, rather than in bed nursing an injury.
“The beauty of the winter comes with potential hazards for your body. Taking the right precautions to protect yourself can go a long way in preventing orthopaedic injuries,” says Karen Tepe, Director of Orthopaedics and Neurosciences at St. Elizabeth Healthcare.
Walk Like a Penguin
No matter how well the snow and ice are removed from parking lots or sidewalks, slips and falls account for a large number of emergency room trips during the winter. In cold temperatures, assume all wet, dark areas on pavements are slippery and icy. Walk in designated walkways as much as possible, as they’re more likely to be salted. Mimic our cold-weather friends, the penguins: Point your feet slightly outward and walk with short, shuffling steps. This helps keep your center of gravity over your feet and makes it easier to regain control if you begin to slip.
Shovel Smartly
Another common cause of doctor visits in the winter is back injuries from shoveling snow. It is best not to depend on your back while shoveling. Instead, use your legs – they’re stronger! Put less snow on each shovel load, reducing the weight you move each stroke. Also, don’t twist to throw snow out of the way. That increases the odds of a back injury. Instead, scoop up the snow, and walk it to its final destination. It’s a little more time-consuming, but your back will thank you later.
More Winter Tips
Avoid boots or shoes with smooth soles when temperatures dip below freezing. Instead, opt for footwear that provides traction on icy surfaces. Boots made of non-slip rubber or neoprene with grooved soles are best for stability.
Though keeping your hands in your pockets might help you stay warm, it can reduce your balance and reaction time in case of a fall. Without the ability to extend your arms to catch yourself, you’re at a higher risk of injury.
If you do fall when walking, avoid landing on your knees. Doing so increases the chances of knee and spine injuries. Try to relax as you fall. If you stiffen, the risk of muscle injuries or back problems increases.
If you get injured in the winter weather, the St. Elizabeth orthopaedic experts are here to help. Check out our cutting-edge orthopaedic care at St. Elizabeth Healthcare.