Author: St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Busting Deadly Myths About the Flu Shot Flu season is upon us, which means it’s time to get your flu shot. The flu can have a devastating effect on people of all ages, especially those with a compromised immune system. In fact, in 2020, about 38 million people in the United States had the flu, and more than 22,000 people died of complications last year. Of those that died, it’s estimated 80 percent did not get the vaccine. So, what is stopping you? It could be one of the many myths that still exist about the vaccine. Here are the facts:…

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If You’ve Met Your Deductible, Consider Joint Replacement Now As the holidays approach you may not be thinking about elective surgery, but Jan. 1 is also when many health care deductibles reset for the year. In fact, with so many people moving to high-deductible insurance plans, many surgeons and hospitals see an end-of-year rush for surgeries like a total joint replacement. Matthew T. Hummel, MD, an affiliated surgeon with OrthoCincy Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine who practices at St. Elizabeth Healthcare says, “It is very common to see people put off surgeries that are considered elective because of the out-of-pocket expense they…

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Coconut oil attracted everyone’s attention when experts promised it could boost immunity, increase fat burning, reduce hunger, and even kill harmful microorganisms. Many people on the keto diet began adding coconut oil to their daily routine as a supplemental energy source because of the reduction in carbohydrates, which is critical to the keto diet. A Harvard University professor delivered a lecture that called coconut oil “pure poison.” Rachel Wagner, MS, LD, a licensed dietitian at the St. Elizabeth Physicians Weight Management Center weighed in, “There is controversy surrounding coconut oil, and although I believe more studies are needed to know…

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Avoid Strains and Sprains During Indoor Soccer Sprains and strains are the most common injuries in all sports, including soccer. Unfortunately, playing indoor sports puts you at three times more risk of injury than outdoor sports, according to a research study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine. Matthew Hartke, PT, DPT, Physical Therapist at St. Elizabeth Healthcare Sports Medicine says, “Indoor soccer puts you at risk for strains and sprains because of the sudden jolting movements that come with changing direction and starting and stopping. In addition, collision injuries are common and often more violent in indoor soccer.”…

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I Have Diabetes. Is the Keto Diet Safe? Many people with type 2 diabetes are focused on weight loss, so they often look at different diets as an option to shed some pounds. Studies have shown that through weight loss you can decrease your dependence on medication and possibly even reverse your diabetes. The problem is many trendy diets do not take into consideration the unique needs of a diabetic patient to manage their blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that can be managed with the help of a doctor, through diet, exercise and medication. Betsy…

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Heart Attack Symptoms: Men vs. Women It’s important to know the signs of heart attack symptoms in men and women. If you have any of these symptoms, call 911 right away! Click on the infographic below to see what to look for in men and women, then right click and save it to share with your social media followers. Are you experiencing symptoms? Talk to your primary care physician or a cardiologist at St. Elizabeth Heart & Vascular Institute. If you need help finding a primary care physician, please call (800) 737-7900.

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Balloon Sinuplasty: Relief for Chronic Rhinosinusitis According to the Center for Disease Control, approximately 11 percent of adults have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. With so many people suffering, it is no wonder that balloon sinuplasty has become a popular treatment. No invasive surgery, no time away from work and relief from the painful symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis. Dr. Bryan Krol, an affiliated surgeon with ENT & Allergy Specialists who practices at St. Elizabeth Healthcare, explains, “Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure to treat certain patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. It is appropriate for patients that have tried and failed medical…

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Can a Dog Help You Live a Happier Life? If you already have a dog, you know having a dog can help you live a happier life. They offer companionship, comfort, and can help ease loneliness. Amanda Banks Galer, LCSW, Child and Family Therapist at St. Elizabeth Outpatient Behavioral Health program says, “Dogs offer so many mental health benefits if you find the right dog for your needs. Dogs can boost your confidence, be a best friend and they can help you break down walls and build meaningful relationships.” In fact, dogs have been man’s best friend for hundreds of…

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World Diabetes Day: Raising Awareness November 14 marks World Diabetes Day, an international day of awareness surrounding the disease. More than 30 million U.S. adults currently live with diabetes, and another 84 million people in the U.S. have prediabetes.* The St. Elizabeth Physicians Diabetes and Endocrinology Center is proud to be a regional leader in diabetes awareness, education and treatment for the Greater Cincinnati community. *CDC report July 18, 2017 Diabetes: The Basics Diabetes is a disease that affects the body’s ability to use glucose (sugar) normally. As our body’s most usable and preferred source of fuel, glucose is a…

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If you’re like most Americans, you struggle to consistently eat a healthy diet. Barbeque and fried chicken restaurants surround you. According to Amber Cranfield, a Registered Dietitian at the St. Elizabeth Physicians Weight Management Center, “In the U.S., most people don’t look at the quality of their food and recipes. If you looked at your food as energy and used your calories wisely, you would naturally be eating healthier.” Amber has some tips to help you break the cycle of bad food choices and modify your recipes to be healthier. Recognize a healthy recipe. The key is to look for…

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