Author: St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Dry Drowning: You Need to Read This According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), drowning is the number one cause of pediatric injury-related deaths. Children under the age of four are at the highest risk for drowning. If you’re a parent or a caregiver, a child drowning in any body of water – the ocean, a lake, a pool or even a bathtub – is front and center on your radar. But are you aware of the symptoms and risks of the lesser-known dry drowning? Dry Drowning: What is it? Children can inhale water through their nose and mouth…

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E-Cigarettes have been around since 2006, and by the name alone most people would assume there’s nicotine in the product. “The scariest part of these products is kids don’t know it contains nicotine and other harmful products. Kids think it is just water and flavoring,” says Joyce Jacobs. Joyce is a Heart and Vascular Prevention and Wellness Nurse Navigator at St. Elizabeth Healthcare, who teaches the Freedom from Smoking cessation program at St. Elizabeth and is a Mayo Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist and a Mayo Certified Wellness Coach. In a recent study, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…

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Edgewood, KY – Due to the overwhelming response of thousands of signatures from patients, family members, doctors, hospital associates and anyone touched by cancer at the new Cancer Center beam signing in June, St. Elizabeth Healthcare is now inviting the community to share their cancer care story to be memorialized and remembered in “Beyond the Beam.” Beyond the Beam is a project to capture and preserve your cancer care journey at St. Elizabeth Healthcare, whether you are a survivor, caregiver, family member or an associate. Kathy Jennings, Senior Vice President of Oncology Services at St. Elizabeth said, “During the beam…

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We all know about pregnancy cravings like pickles and ice cream in the middle of the night. But if you’re pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, it’s important to have a base knowledge of foods to eat and avoid during pregnancy. Pickles and ice cream are fine – in moderation! “I like to advise my pregnant patients to eat whole foods and minimize eating anything processed,” says Dr. Allana Oak, family practice physician at St. Elizabeth Physicians. “It’s also important to eat 75-100g of protein each day to help with your baby’s growth, as well as supporting the growth of…

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The St. Elizabeth Family Birth Place is dedicated to making your labor and delivery as comfortable, relaxed and joy-filled as possible. Our beautiful private birthing suites set the tone for the parents-to-be and our skilled Labor & Delivery team is here for you on your labor journey, ready to welcome your little one into this world. At St. Elizabeth, we know it’s essential for mothers to have options during labor. We are continually adding to our menu of services to offer comprehensive, cutting-edge care that gives mothers even more options as their labor progresses. From aromatherapy to new pain relief…

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It is difficult to find anyone who hasn’t tried some form of meal replacement products, such as protein bars or shakes. The convenience and ease of meal replacements make it a common choice among dieters. But, to lose weight and keep it off, you need more than a quick fix—you need a long-term plan. Believe it or not, meal replacements can be a key factor in long-term weight loss. Betsy Oriolo, MS, RD, LD, CDE a Registered Dietitian and Diabetes Educator at the St. Elizabeth Physicians Weight Management Center says, “Our meal replacement diet-based option is a great weight loss…

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During the summer, the temperatures increase and we all become very aware of the sun’s impact on our life. We vigilantly put on sunscreen to protect our skin, but have you thought about the sun’s impact on your eyes? The sun emits radiation in the form of ultraviolet (UV) light. Although UV rays make up a small portion of the sun’s rays, they damage your skin cells and can cause damage to your eyes. Exposure to the sun’s UV rays has been linked to: Dr. Zegary Allen, Ophthalmologist with St. Elizabeth Ophthalmology Department, says “Having the right type of sunglasses…

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Edgewood, KY – St. Elizabeth Healthcare is pleased to announce the opening of its new 15,000 square foot Women’s Health Center at 600-610 Medical Village Drive in Edgewood, Kentucky. Located conveniently on the Edgewood campus, the center offers a comfortable, state-of-the-art setting for women’s health needs, including screening mammography, bone density scans (DEXA), pelvic floor physical therapy and urogynecology services. “The new Women’s Health Center is a wonderful step toward our commitment to lead Northern Kentucky in becoming one of the healthiest communities in America,” said Susan McDonald, Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer, St. Elizabeth Edgewood, Covington and Grant.…

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Many times, a patient, especially young athletes, feel that they don’t need to go to the doctor for their loose ankles because “there is nothing they can do.” Worse yet, some orthopaedic doctors, who are inexperienced with the ankle, tell them to ignore it or “just go to therapy.” Nicholas T. Gates, MD, an orthopaedic foot and ankle specialist at OrthoCincy Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, who practices at St. Elizabeth Healthcare, has a clear message for people that regularly sprain their ankle—you don’t need to suffer. What is Chronic Ankle Instability? If you get repeated ankle sprains, there could be…

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In today’s connected age, it’s easy to become distracted. Even the most loving and attentive parents make mistakes – including unintentionally leaving their child in the car. As summer begins to heat up, so do the interiors of our vehicles. If you have a little one in your car, it’s essential to take a few minutes to review vehicular heatstroke information – your child’s life could depend on it. According to the National Safety Council, 29 children died in hot cars in 2023. Heatstroke in Children: What You Need to Know Children are more vulnerable to heatstroke than adults because…

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