Author: St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Fall is the perfect time to get outside and exercise. The humid summer weather is behind us and we haven’t spotted a snowflake just yet. Need a little extra motivation? Print out this Couch to 5K training program, then register for one of six great races in October. 1. Loop for Lana 5K ““ October 4 Where: Crestview Hills, Ky. When: October 4, 9 a.m. What: This race benefits the Elana Brophy Memorial Fund. Elana died of pediatric cancer in 2002, and this is a great race to support efforts to cure childhood cancer. Proceeds will benefit Children’s Hospital. Terrain:…

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One of the scariest things you can hear from your doctor is: “You have cancer.” Processing the diagnosis can take time, and you will feel overwhelmed with a wide range of emotions and questions. That’s natural and understandable. As questions and concerns arise it’s good to write them down prior to meeting with your physician or oncologist. It’s also good to think about and decide how involved you want to be in the decision-making process. You may decide to learn only the basics about your cancer and leave the decisions to your doctor. Or you may want to be very…

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Toothpaste brands do a great job selling “whitening” products. Anything from strips and gels to toothpastes and trays that claim to bring you noticeably whiter teeth in two weeks, ten days or even one hour. I’ve tried the strips before and believe they helped, or at least that’s what I tell myself. Whether you use an at-home whitening agent or have your dentist whiten your teeth to make them look healthier, it’s good to know what foods may cause discoloration, and damage the health of your teeth. The American Dental Association shares this list of foods and drinks that can…

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As many as a million Americans live with Parkinson’s disease, a chronic neurological disorder that affects voluntary movement, balance and speech. The disease, which gets more severe over time, is more common in men than women, and usually develops after age 50. Shortly before his death, actor Robin Williams, 63, learned he had Parkinson’s disease, a chronic neurological disorder that affects speech, balance and voluntary movement. Parkinson’s occurs when certain brain cells begin to malfunction and then die off. As those cells die, a shortage of the brain chemical dopamine develops. Dopamine plays many roles in the body’s function, including…

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Fall allergies tax the immune system, and can generally make us feel lousy. Need relief from the fall sniffles? Here are a few evidence-based interventions that might actually help: Fall allergens Weed pollen, including ragweed, sagebrush, pigweed, tumbleweed (Russian thistle) and cocklebur Mold from decaying leaves and other dying foliage Pet dander and dust mites Change your environment Wash comforters and blankets, vacuum mattresses and box springs, change pillows, and clean your vents Clean your furnace and install a fresh filter Vacuum your carpets to get rid of dust mites and pet dander Keep the windows closed Ask a friend…

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Foot care is a critical issue for people with diabetes. The disease damages blood vessels, and that damage means blood can’t get to diabetics’ feet and lower legs. Impeded blood flow means the tissue becomes damaged and more vulnerable to infections, neuropathy and other injuries that can lead to amputations. Diabetes is the leading cause of amputations that aren’t related to trauma and other injuries. The American Diabetes Association recommends diabetics get their feet examined by a doctor ““ either their primary care physician or a podiatrist ““ at least annually. Here are their tips for proper foot care: Keep…

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Did you know a mother can burn 500-800 calories a day if she breastfeeds her child without using formula or water supplements? That’s a great statistic if you’re a new mom concerned with losing pregnancy weight, but it’s important to take care of yourself while taking care of your new little one. The American Academy of Pediatrics shares this list of nutrient-rich foods for nursing moms: Calcium: dairy products, calcium-fortified foods, leafy green vegetables or dried beans Vitamin D: fortified foods Protein: lean meats, fatty fish, eggs, dried beans, nuts and nut butters Iron: leafy green vegetables, meat, fish and…

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The tongue. What can we say? It’s a vital muscle that helps us eat and speak. And, now we’re learning it can reveal important information about our health. Health Care Above All provides a list of the ten most common changes of your tongue. Go on and take a look in the mirror, we won’t tell. Just keep in mind, if you’ve recently had a red or purple slushy, these won’t apply to you. 1. Normal Tongue ““ Pink, without any traces and color imbalance, with clear and normal layers. Everything is working just fine. 2. Thin White Layer, Visible…

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A seldom-seen virus that usually just causes the sniffles is sending hundreds of children to doctors’ offices and emergency rooms across the U.S. Enterovirus D68, an uncommon member of a very common group of viruses, is believed to be the culprit behind an outbreak of respiratory illness that’s spiking in a dozen states across the US. Most kids will be over the infection in about a week, experts say. But parents need to be on the lookout for signs that children with what looks like a summer cold are having difficulty breathing. If a child is wheezing or has a…

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Headache sufferers often limit activities because of fear that a headache will pop up and interfere with whatever is planned. You can take steps to manage your headaches and improve your life. Change your lifestyle Small lifestyle changes can have a big impact on your headache symptoms. Start with one or two on the list and begin adding others: Maintain a BMI of less than 30 Exercise daily to decrease stress and reduce tension held in the muscles Establish a consistent sleep routine Recognize your triggers and avoid them Avoid any form of nicotine Refrain from skipping meals Seek professional…

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