Author: St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Pregnancy can be a blissful time full of kicking babies, celebrating with family members and setting up the nursery. It can also be a difficult time filled with heartburn, back aches and nausea, all of which are worth what comes at the end, your new bundle of joy. But, there’s something else at the end of pregnancy that is worrisome for many first-time moms, and even second- and third-time moms ““ CHILDBIRTH. While labor never goes as planned, you can take steps to try to ease the pain like staying in shape, understanding pain relief options and trying to stay…

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Salty snacks are one of my weaknesses, especially when it comes to potato chips. What’s not to love about the crunchy snack that goes perfectly with a sandwich or ice-cold beverage? Well, the calories and fat from potato chips aren’t much to love, but like anything else can be enjoyed in moderation. I personally prefer kettle-cooked chips and I was secretly hoping that they were healthier than regular chips. Unfortunately, this article from Huffington Post crushed my hopes. It states the chips are about equal when it comes to fat, calories and carbohydrates. The major difference between the two is…

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You’ve likely seen pink ribbons all over in October, but what about the other colorful ribbons? Here is your guide to awareness ribbons. Did we miss any? Email us at and let us know!

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In the U.S., someone suffers a stroke every 40 seconds. Someone dies from a stroke, or “brain attack,” every four minutes, according to the National Stroke Association. Stroke happens when a blood clot blocks blood vessels in the brain, or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts open. Either event disrupts the flow of oxygen-carrying blood to brain cells, which in turn, leads to brain cell death. Anyone can have a stroke, even babies. There are multiple risk factors for stroke. Some ““ age, gender, race and family history of stroke and related events ““ can’t be altered. But…

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October is prime apple picking season in the Tri-State. Take advantage of this great opportunity to visit one of the many local apple orchards to pick your own apples. This outing is suitable for the entire family”adults pick off the tree and kids pick the low hanging fruit (which may mean off the ground for the littlest family members). Here is what you need to know before heading out to an orchard: Be prepared 1. Wear layers of clothing 2. Wear shoes or boots rather than sandals 3. Bring a recyclable bag or basket for every participant 4. Gather some…

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There are several reasons women dread their menstrual cycles. This is probably not news. What could be news is that you may be handling your period symptoms, such as bloating, headaches, moodiness or tiredness, in all of the wrong ways. According to an article from Women’s Health Magazine, certain foods can help fight off some of these symptoms that accompany Aunt Flo’s visit each month. Does it surprise you that foods high in fiber actually help combat bloating? Or that bananas can help you sleep and ease the painfulness of cramps? Other foods that are good for your period diet…

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Trick or treat snacks are traditionally sweet, chewy, high calorie and non-nourishing. This year, consider giving individually-wrapped treats that are healthy, tasty and equally appreciated by parents, dentists and goblins. Children and parents are advised to discard any candy/treat that is not individually wrapped by the manufacturer. As a result, homemade treats are no longer a good option to give to door-to-door trick or treaters. Choose treats that are individually-wrapped and can be purchased in bulk. Healthy options Pumpkin seeds Cereal and granola bars String cheese Popcorn/popcorn balls Trail mix Pretzels Raisins Craisins Oatmeal and raisin cookies Sandwich crackers Sugar-free…

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Two cups, three cups or four cups a day? How much coffee do you consume? On average, people in North America consume about two cups a day. In a recent study, shared by WebMD, researchers were able to link six genes to our coffee consumption. Now, you can blame your genes for your coffee cravings. Two genes appear to be linked to the “kick” that we feel from caffeine. Two others are linked to the way our body metabolizes caffeine. This could explain why some people are able to consume larger amounts of coffee without feeling any effects. The last…

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Protein first thing in the morning can be a great source of energy to keep you moving all day. Eggs are a common go-to protein for breakfast that also provide essential vitamins and minerals. If you’re looking for a new way to have scrambled eggs on the go, then you’ll enjoy this low-fat recipe from St. Elizabeth’s Weight Management Center. It adds sautéed veggies, salsa and cheese to scrambled eggs and wraps it all in a whole wheat tortilla. Consider making the wrap filling ahead of time, and just heat it up for a quick breakfast during the work week.…

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Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries among athletes. It is estimated that 23,000 sprains occur daily in the United States alone. Despite the frequency of this type of injury, there are misconceptions about optimal management, return to sport and prevention of future injuries. So, we’re busting three common myths about ankle sprains: Myth: All athletes should wear ankle braces to prevent sprains. Braces help prevent sprains in athletes with previous sprains, but not necessarily in those without prior ankle injury. There is no convincing evidence that bracing or taping a previously uninjured ankle will prevent a…

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