Author: St. Elizabeth Healthcare

For some men, a urinal can be an intimidating sight. With around 18 percent of all American males suffering from bladder problems according to the Urologic Diseases in America Project, that fraternity is probably larger than we think. Having a weak urine stream, going too often or having trouble starting to pee are common symptoms that can make the occasional visit to the porcelain bathroom fixture a little worrying and plenty embarrassing. Getting a handle on what’s causing your problem can go a long way toward correcting the issue and removing that worry, though. From the American Urological Association, the…

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Did you know it’s possible to drown after exiting the water? Eighty to ninety percent of drownings occur in the water, but the other 10-20 percent of drownings occur later that day, up to 24 hours later. This is referred to as “dry drowning.” Check out some of the signs: Unfortunately, as Dr. Aleah Gibson explains in the video below via Fox 19, dry drowning can’t be treated at home, and children need to visit an emergency room as soon as possible. Remember  the signs to watch for and watch the video below for more information. Cincinnati…

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When you have diabetes, minding your carbohydrate intake is important. How many and what type of carbs you ingest can help maintain a healthy balance between insulin and glucose levels in your blood, which is a big part of managing the disease’s effects. Doctors often tout “superfoods” for diabetics that not only help you regulate your blood sugar, but also provide powerhouse portions of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other benefits. Not coincidentally, most are not terribly hard to find – they’re common staples of the local salad bar. So, mind the sneeze shield and stock up on these healthy options.…

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Heat exhaustion and other heat-related illnesses can become life-threatening, i.e. heat stroke, so it is important to learn the signs and symptoms and identify issues early on. Dr. Aleah Gibson with St. Elizabeth Physicians explains how to identify various heat-related illnesses and how to prevent them. Hint: Stay hydrated with water and other drinks that contain electrolytes. She goes into more detail below:

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Heading out of town this weekend? Planning on seeing some fireworks? Grilling some hot dogs? No matter where your celebration takes you this holiday weekend, you’ll want to check out the infographic below for some helpful hints and advice. No travel in your weekend plans? Impress your guests with a few of these red, white and blue recipes via Red Tricycle. Happy Independence Day from Healthy Headlines!

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Some people love exercise, others hate it. One thing is for sure, no one enjoys paying a health care copay, deductible or coinsurance. One changing focus in health care is toward prevention. Part of  prevention includes getting ourselves moving through activity and exercise. Dr. Jonathan Averdick, DPT, physical therapist, and Elizabeth Blanford, a student physical therapist, both with St. Elizabeth, offer guidance in developing a healthier you – so that you may prevent avoidable health care expenses related to a sedentary lifestyle. What am I preventing with an exercise program? Premature death Diseases including heart disease (which can lead…

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Did you know that you can tell if your child will be left or right handed before even being born? Amazing, right? Another fun fact: Only about 10 percent of the population is left-handed. (Those 10 percent can also celebrate National Left Handers’ Day on August 13 this year.) Watch the video below,  featuring a lesson by Daniel M. Abrams,  to find out why left-handedness is such a rare trait:

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Ever wondered why you get covered in mosquito bites every summer and some of your friends come away without one? Some humans really are more “appetizing” than others. To learn why mosquitoes bite some people more than others, check out the  New York Magazine  video below: Remember, even if you don’t get bit too frequently, it’s still a good idea to wear bug spray. Mosquitoes carry diseases like West Nile Virus, and notably this year, the Zika Virus. Click here to learn more about protecting yourself from Zika Virus.

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Healthy Headlines readers, we have some extremely exciting news! We are partnering with the Kenton County Public Library to beat summer boredom and keep kids reading all summer long. According to Reading is Fundamental, research shows that children who don’t read during the summer can lose up to three months of reading progress and that loss has a cumulative, long-term effect. To encourage a reading routine, Healthy Headlines is launching a Beat the Boredom Summer Reading Program. The Kenton County Public Library provided a summer reading list  with books that promote healthy living for younger-elementary children. Families can download the…

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If you’re likely to be outside this summer at all, you will probably run into poison ivy at one point or another. After all, it can be fairly difficult to spot. And, if/when you do come across the “leaves of three,” you will be thankful Dr. Aleah Gibson with St. Elizabeth Physicians offered the advice in the video below for treating the itchy rash caused by poison ivy. People who are allergic to the plant should head straight to the doctor or an Urgent Care or Express Care facility, if they have been exposed to it. For more tips and…

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