Remember when you were a kid and you would sit and color all day? Or maybe you have a child of your own who does this now. Back in the day, coloring books came in all different sizes, colors and themes, and there seem to be even more options available now.
In fact, now, they even make coloring books specifically for adults with intricate designs. They are marketed as a stress reliever, and some people swear by their usefulness in this area, but do they really do what their fans claim?
According to Certified Art Therapist Marygrace Berberian, as quoted by CNN, “coloring definitely has therapeutic potential to reduce anxiety, create focus or bring [about]more mindfulness.”
Coloring allows us to clear our heads by focusing on one thing. It is also a good option for those who claim they aren’t artistic because coloring doesn’t require amazing talent, just some colored pencils or gel pens.
It’s also a good option for those who are grieving because it gives them a safe outlet for their grief. Coloring books are being used as a form of art therapy which has been proven to “impact a person’s physical and psychological well-being,” according to the New York Times.
Whether you are grieving, need a stress reliever, or need to let out a little anger, a coloring book might help.
If coloring’s not your thing, but you are attempting to be more mindful, maybe try meditation or yoga instead.