We fellas aren’t exactly the most medically conscious people. Admittedly, nor are we the most observant.
When it comes to health issues, though, a few subtle clues, that only take a minute or two to notice, can point to conditions needing immediate attention. Looking in the mirror, taking note of a change or noticing something we’ve never thought about before may add years to each of our lives.
According to medical experts, here are a few symptoms to keep an eye on:
If your skin or eyes have a slight yellowish tint, you should talk to your doctor. Jaundice could lead to a serious issue like hepatitis or a failing liver. It could also be a sign of several other problems, including malaria, Sickle cell anemia (thalassemia) or an inherited blood disorder. If caught early, effective treatment is possible.
That curious mole
Pay attention to moles or other blemishes that change appearance. Doctors advise the “ABCD rule” “” look for asymmetry and border (anything not perfectly round is suspect), or color (uneven coloring is another warning sign). If any of the ABCs give you concern, call a dermatologist. Problem moles can be cancerous and may need to be removed.
Rings around your corneas
Look closely in a mirror. If there’s a lighter-colored ring around your cornea, the dark part of your eye, it could mean you have high cholesterol. Known by doctors as “arcus senilis,” the ring is actually a cholesterol deposit that gets to the eye through your circulatory system. If you have high cholesterol, you’re more likely to have a ring, though it becomes more common the older you get “” high cholesterol or not.
Splinter hemorrhages under fingernails
They look like splinters under your fingernails, but you’re actually seeing blood clots that have broken off and found their way into the tiny blood vessels under your nails. Splinter hemorrhages may be a sign of endocarditis, an infection in one of your heart valves. They may also be a sign of vasculitis, damage from swelling in blood vessels. Contact your doctor or cardiologist if you are suspect.
Thinning body hair
If you notice your once furry arms or legs are suddenly less hairy, it could be cause for concern. One possible reason is a testosterone deficiency, which could be as benign as an excess of iron in your body. Other possible causes are more worrisome, such as kidney failure, inflammatory diseases such as sarcoidosis or even a liver problem.
It could also be a sign of diabetes, especially if it occurs on your legs where circulation problems could lead to a thickening of the skin which means less oxygen is getting to the follicles there.
If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms, doctors advise you monitor the situation at the very least. And if there’s a question of how concerned you should be, talk to your doctor during your next visit.