Andy Rooney, radio and TV writer famous for his segment on 60 minutes once said, “I’ve learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.”
We can definitely relate. When we were little, Christmas Eve seemed to take days to end, but now it feels like we’re taking down the decorations a few weeks before we put them up again. The theory that “time flies” as you age, actually has some merit. It was recently visualized by artist Maximilian Kiener in a project entitled, “Why Time Flies.”
As you age, time’s value diminishes. When you are a week old, a day is one seventh of your entire life. When you are seventy, ten years is one seventh of your life.
Kiener’s digital visualization includes other interesting comparisons such as, “Your summer vacation in your first year of college will feel as long as your whole 76th year.”
It ends with this daunting message at age 99, “Time flies. We tell ourselves we can always do this or that thing later. Open a bar when we get older. Put off that trip we’ve been thinking about for awhile. Life is short. Do things now!”
Check it out and then resolve to do something new you have been meaning to try.