If you’re out and about in Downtown Cincinnati this weekend, look for our health quiz stretching across the Purple People Bridge. You’ll find fun and informative health facts and questions all around the bridge – as well as a few other activities you can try.
Since you’re one of our loyal subscribers, we want to help you look smart in front of your friends! Here are the questions you see on the bridge:
Question: Approximately how many calories does the average adult burn in an hour of dancing?
Answer: C. 350-500
For more ideas to burn a quick 100 calories, check out: 17 easy ways to burn 100 calories
Question: Women are ____ times more likely to get breast cancer than men.
Answer: C. 100
Take a look at other risk factors for breast cancer.
Question: There are _____ bones in the average adult human body.
Answer: B. 206
Help keep all those bones healthy: What you can and can’t control with osteoporosis
Question: 10 to 15 minutes of laughter can burn ____ calories.
Answer: B. 50
More benefits of laughing out loud: How that April Fool’s Day joke could make you healthier
Question: Your arteries, veins and capillaries stretch for over ____ miles.
Answer: C. 60,000 (Additional fact: That’s enough to reach around the world more than two times.)
Keep your heart and vascular system strong: 3 numbers that transform your heart health
If you have more questions about your health, contact us and we’ll have an expert answer your question.