Quick quiz – how much water should you drink each day? Most of us should be drink an average of eight 8-ounce glasses, or two liters (and if we’re active, we should be drinking more). But what about your little ones?
How much water should my child drink?
The answer varies by age: According to the Institute of Medicine, children should drink anywhere from 1.7 to 3.3 liters a day. And in the summer, kids are perspiring more and staying active longer, which means they should be drinking even more.
NPR reports most kids are dehydrated, though not seriously dehydrated – meaning they don’t need a trip to the emergency room. However, even mild dehydration is harmful to children. Without adequate fluids, children can become fatigued, and their mood as well as their ability to focus and learn can be affected.
Fortunately, this problem has a relatively easy fix: Get your kids to drink more water. One easy way to do this is to try making their water a little more fun: Strawberry, lime, cucumber and mint water is a sweet, refreshing way to trick your body into thinking it’s getting a treat.