The number of people suffering from diabetes. especially those with Type 2 diabetes, has risen in recent years. Many diagnosed with the disease will continuously struggle in regulating their blood sugar, but new hope may be found by simply adjusting the size of morning meals.
In a recent article in the Northern Kentucky Tribune. St. Elizabeth family physician Dr. Rajeev Kurapati explains how a new study from Tel Aviv University may make it easier for people with diabetes to control their blood sugar.
The study found that while two people can eat the same number of calories in a day, consuming more calories for breakfast may make a huge impact on glucose levels throughout the day, even during a “post-meal spike” that would typically occur after lunch and dinner.
For diabetics struggling with diet, high-energy breakfasts and “more modest” dinners put control back in their hands. Instead of counting calories, people with diabetes may be able to benefit from a new meal plan.