When you think of weight training, you may imagine large, intimidating men in the gym picking up heavy barbells…just to set them back down… But, that doesn’t have to be the picture in your mind.
Lots of athletes use weight training to get better at their sport of choice. Beyond muscle gain, strength training improves your cardio speed, movement control, resistance to injuries, cognitive abilities, and confidence. It may also help you lose weight.
Your future self will thank you, too. Lifting weights regularly is linked to lower blood pressure, denser bones, better cardiovascular health, and a reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
One more reason to pick up those weights
Remember, you won’t end up looking like the Hulk – unless you want to.
If you only want the health benefits without the angry-green-man look, Greatist offers a simple solution: complete a weight training workout only once or twice a week.
Unlike a rigorous five to seven-day a-week schedule, lifting once or twice a week will strengthen your muscles, ligaments, and bones, all while losing weight and gaining confidence.