With Cinco de Mayo just around the corner, you may be planning to celebrate with a trip to your local cantina. If you are watching your weight, you may also be planning on not sticking with your healthy eating for this occasion. Mexican food can’t possibly be healthy, right?
Think again. By steering clear of cheesy, sauce-covered dishes, oversized margaritas and endless chips and salsa you can partake in this delicious cuisine with just a little preplanning.
Traditional Mexican food is actually quite healthy with a foundation largely built on nutritious beans and whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Unfortunately, the food found in many Mexican restaurants in America has been super-sized, deep-fried and doused with cheese, skyrocketing the calories and fat. But it is possible to make smarter choices through small modifications and by looking out for healthier options and incorporating some of these tips:
- Just say no
Those tortilla chips that get plunked down in front of you before you even order? It might be best to just say no. They may not cost anything but they are not free of calories, with around 500 per basket. If you want to partake, try putting a small handful on your plate to munch on. However, if you find it hard to stop once you start, just ask them not to bring them to the table or push them out of your reach.
- Customize your order
Ask for no sour cream, no extra cheese. This eliminates a lot of extra calories without impacting the overall flavor much. Instead use salsa or hot sauce to add tons of flavor. Salsa is low in calories and almost always fat-free.
- Share
Chances are you’ve noticed the massive amounts of food that typically come in one meal. Instead of trying to clean your plate, order one entree and split it with a friend. You’ll not only greatly decrease your chances of over indulging but you will also save some money.
- Beware of the taco ‘salad’
Don’t be fooled by the healthy moniker. The typical taco shell bowl is fried and can have nearly 400 calories alone. To make this more of a healthy choice, don’t eat the bowl, and make sure the salad is loaded with lettuce, tomatoes and other veggies. Also, see if you can have it made with grilled chicken instead of the higher fat ground beef. Again, leave off the sour cream, go easy on the cheese and top it with salsa, instead.
- Salud
Before you order that margarita, you may want to think again. Along with the alcohol, margarita mix is loaded with sugar. Because they come in many different sizes, the margarita you order can have anywhere from 200 to more than 500 calories, that’s almost as many as a Big Mac. Instead, order a light beer with a lime wedge and cheers to saving your waistline.