The Tri-State is finally getting one of our first really big snowstorms of the season. And if you’re outside shoveling your driveway and sidewalk, you will likely be nursing a back twinge for a few days. Snow shoveling is one of the more common causes of back injuries during the winter, but it needn’t be. Some simple precautions are all that’s needed to keep from being a victim.
Shoveling tips from health professionals (and northerners!):
- Find the right shovel. Chances are, it’s not that heavy old steel monster you inherited from your grandfather. New shovels with ergonomic, curved handles and lightweight blades are best for minimizing awkward bending or straining. The handle should be long enough so you only have to slightly bend your knees to keep the blade on the ground.
- Push the snow, don’t lift it.
- If you do have to lift shovel-fuls of snow, use your knees. Don’t bend at the hip, or overextend your upper body to lift snow out of the way “” that’s the surest way to strain lower back muscles. Always squarely face your target, and keep your destination within arm’s reach. Lift with one hand close to the shovel blade and the other hand about 12 inches further up the handle to increase stability.
- Many small loads are better than one large one. For really deep snows, remove the top few inches first, then go back and get the bottom layer later.
- It’s better to have traction than to end up in traction. Wear boots with good treads, spread salt or kitty litter and walk with measured paces. Slips and falls are another source of shoveling injuries.
- Before starting, as awkward as it sounds, warm up. Some deep knee bends or a quick jog in place will get your blood moving, keep you warmer and loosen up your muscles. Stretching is a good idea, too, to limber up for the chore at hand and to keep from muscle pulls.
- When shoveling, pace yourself. Take a break every 10-15 minutes, when needed. Keep in mind that shoveling snow is an inherently strenuous task, one that leads to many cases of heart attacks every winter. Know your limitations if you have a coronary condition or begin feeling chest pains.
- If you can, use a snowblower. Or, better yet, pay the entrepreneur kid next door $10 to do it for you!