We’ve all been there, it’s the end of a long day and your child has made a small ““ or big ““ mistake. The first reaction might be to lash out and correct that mistake, but there is a better way.
Next time you need to stop and take a breath, remember eight tips to make disciplining your child a better experience for both of you.
- Use positive discipline
Show your child the positive ways to handle a situation. Don’t just say no and use negative language. When your child acts up, refrain from saying “No! Don’t do that.” Instead, say, “Why don’t you do this…”
- Reward your child’s good behavior
Reinforce the good things she does. Saying, “I like the way you acted,” or just a “Good job!” tells your child how you like her to act.
- Try a natural approach
Let him know there are consequences for all of his actions, and then let those consequences play out. If he knocks something over, make him clean up the mess. If he breaks something, ask him to pay for the repair or do extra chores to cover the cost. Always explain why his actions bring about your reaction.
- Don’t get into no-win arguments
Some kids want to argue until they think they can get their way. Don’t do it. While it may be difficult, try to say little and answer your child with two- or three-word answers. Saying “I know” is a good rejoinder.
- Don’t yell back
No matter how stressed you are, or how tempting it is, don’t get into a back-and-forth argument with your child. When you do, you undermine your authority. By not yelling, you keep the upper hand and remain in charge. Remain calm and offer up a solution that is better for both of you.
- Be clear and consistent with your rules
Tell your child what behavior you expect. Explain your rules when everyone is calm and stick to those rules. If you keep changing the rules, your child will not know what to expect.
- Be a model
You have to abide by rules, and when you do in front of your child you are setting an example. Your child will look at you and emulate your actions, which will help in the long run.
- Remember, it is not easy raising kids
No matter how hard you try, you are going to fail every once in a while. There will be good and bad days; but if you concentrate and work at it, the good days will far outnumber the bad days.