When starting a new exercise regimen, folks often jump in with both feet or they cautiously test the water to decide if it’s warm enough to stick around for a while.
Either way, they dive in and once they’ve been in the water long enough for their fingers and toes to get all pruney, many people get out. It’s all part of an endless cycle.
For many, exercise becomes necessary only when they notice a few extra pounds. They then sign up for a spinning class and, once they’re satisfied with the number on the scale once more, they quit. Well, until the next time that darn scale shows numbers that aren’t satisfactory and then it will be time to start the cycle all over.
Sound familiar? Yet we all know people who we consider habitual fitness fanatics. They don’t start and stop their yoga class. They don’t dread going to the gym and, in fact, seem to love going each time. They even seem happiest in skin-tight spandex ““ a testament to their fitness commitment.
If you’ve ever wondered how “those people” do it or have ever wanted to form these types of healthy habits yourself, the Huffington Post gathered testimonials from 7 habitual exercise enthusiasts that will motivate you to get off the couch, too.
Here are a couple I used for inspiration to keep my New Year’s resolutions:
- Set short-term goals and forget about past failures.
- Use a personal trainer, especially if you’re new to working out.
They’re working so far, but I’m also hoping to work my way into signing up for events and trying out new fitness classes, as the Huffington Post also suggests. Do you have a new fitness routine or interesting classes that you’re taking? Tell us on Facebook or Twitter.