The next step in minimally invasive spinal (lumbar) fusion is now available at St. Elizabeth Healthcare. Mazor X technology is making it easier for surgeons to be more precise and efficient during spinal fusion surgery, meaning you are less likely to need spinal revision surgery.
St. Elizabeth is the first in the region – and one of the first in the nation – to offer the upgraded Mazor X technology for spinal fusion surgery. The Mazor X tool is just one of many robotic tools offered at St. Elizabeth to increase the efficiency and precision of surgery as part of our advanced standard of care.
Traditionally an X-ray was used to determine the surgical plan for spinal fusion. Now, Mazor X integrates planning and guidance to provide predictability and precision during your spinal surgery. The exact image allows surgeons to determine a more precise location and form a more exact plan for your surgery. During surgery, Mazor X enables precise guidance of surgical tools and implants.
Compare it to using a jig for woodworking: If you take the time to plan out a jig, then, when you make the actual cuts, you can make the same precise cut over and over. In this case, the Mazor X tool takes all the guesswork out of it. This is especially important if you have an abnormality that wasn’t seen on an X-ray. The Mazor X tool sees it and plans for it.
The tool is ideal if you need surgical treatment for conditions such as degenerative disc disease, scoliosis or curvature of the spine, herniated disc, spondylolisthesis, stenosis and vertebral fractures. Using the Mazor X, there is less chance that the fusion will need revising later. The result? You spend less time in the operating room and are less likely to need a revision surgery later. In addition, minimally invasive surgery typically results in less pain and a shorter recovery time.
Any candidate for minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery needs to be in good health, as with any major surgery. If you are having spinal fusion surgery, the Mazor X tool helps ensure that your results are more accurate. The Mazor X tool is just one of many robotic tools offered at St. Elizabeth to increase the efficiency and precision of surgery as part of our advanced standard of care.
For more information about the Mazor X tool and spinal fusion or other minimally invasive neurosurgery options, click here.