When high school senior Maddie Webb was 14, her mom told her to start doing some volunteer work. Too young for many places that use volunteers, Webb eventually found a volunteer position at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Edgewood.
Webb is now in her fourth year working at the hospital’s information desk helping patients and visitors find their way around, which sometimes requires escorting them personally. She works one four-hour shift each weekend.
“When people come to the hospital it usually isn’t their happiest time,” Webb said. “I like being there to provide a friendly face.”
Webb, who is getting ready to graduate from Beechwood High School this spring, plans to study neuroscience when she starts college in the fall. She said her experience at the hospital has helped expose her to different aspects of science that she might not have otherwise considered as a career path.
Webb juggles a busy schedule, including a job, school work and extracurricular activities like playing trumpet in the school band, academic team, United Nations Assembly, National Honor Society and the bowling team.
Recently, her parents suggested she give something up from her busy schedule.
“My parents were trying to get me to clear something from my schedule and said ‘maybe you should stop volunteering.’ I said no because I want to do it as long as I can,” Webb said. “I feel like I have been volunteering for so long that it’s hard to imagine not doing it.”
The connections Webb has made with St. Elizabeth employees and her fellow volunteers is the best part of the job, she said.
“I have made so many friends while volunteering and not just people in my age group,” Webb said. “It’s cool to talk to someone of a completely different age group. The relationships I’ve formed are the best part.”
Click here to learn more about volunteer opportunities with St. Elizabeth Healthcare.