There is a lot of talk about “clean eating” these days. As easy as it sounds, this lifestyle might seem confusing to those not familiar with it.
Simply put, clean eating is about consuming whole foods in their most natural state, or as close to it as possible. This trending concept doesn’t eliminate any food groups and is really quite basic. In addition to taking time to enjoy mealtimes and the foods themselves, other central themes include eating whole, unprocessed foods, having a wide variety of foods in your diet, and choosing foods that are seasonal and grown locally.
Clean eating encourages healthy habits like eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats with fewer sugary, high-calorie beverages and foods high in saturated fats. It also promotes having small, frequent meals during the day meaning three small meals with two to three light snacks daily.
Here are seven tips to help you start and maintain a clean eating lifestyle:
- Choose foods in their most natural state. For example, make whole chicken breasts instead of heating up processed chicken nuggets. Helpful hint: Cook a few extra chicken breasts while you’re at it for use on salads or for sandwiches later.
- Cut back on refined grains including white bread and white rice. Stripped of beneficial fiber, vitamins and minerals, refined grains do not provide much in the way of nutrients. And since they are low in fiber, they are less satisfying than whole grains.
- Drink more water! This is so important. While tempting to choose other beverages, water really is the best choice. Water is vital for the function of every organ system and it helps circulate oxygen and carry toxins out of our bodies. Make it your drink of choice at and between meals.
- Select seasonal produce and seafood whenever possible. This includes selecting foods like fresh raspberries in June and apples and pumpkins in autumn.
- Go for locally grown foods when possible, but be realistic. For example, choose domestically grown produce over produce flown in from another country.
- Buy products made with real ingredients that you can pronounce. Avoid those that are loaded with preservatives. Take a look at the ingredient lists on food packages. Have you ever seen all of the ingredients that go into a frozen dinner?
- Enjoy mealtimes! Savor every bite and eat mindfully while seated at the table.