Consumer Privacy Notice

Visit the St. Elizabeth Healthcare Privacy Policy and St. Elizabeth Physician's Privacy Policy for details regarding the categories of personal information collected through St. Elizabeth website properties and the organizational purpose(s) for which the information will be used to improve your digital consumer/patient experience. We do not sell or rent personally-identifying information collected.

St. Elizabeth Dearborn Public Forum

St. Elizabeth Dearborn Public Forum

Location: Virtual Meeting on Microsoft Teams
Date: December 7th
Time: 4:00p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


During this presentation from St. Elizabeth Dearborn, members of the community will have an opportunity to learn about and comment on:
(i) the hospital's performance in the previous year;
(ii) the pricing of health services provided at the nonprofit hospital; and
(iii) the contributions made by St. Elizabeth to the community, including uncompensated care, charitable contributions, and any other charitable assistance programs.

Microsoft Teams meeting information will be emailed to participants the morning of December 7.
Participants will be able to use the chat function to present questions that will be addressed after the presentation.

Event Details

  • Department:
    Community Relations
  • Date:
    Wed, December 7, 2022
  • Time:
    4:00 PM - 5:00 PM