Please Note: This event was planned prior to COVID-19. We are looking into ways to host this event as a webinar. Please register with your email address if you are interested so we can contact you prior to the event to let you know.
For someone facing a cancer diagnosis, heart health may not seem like an immediate priority. Ever since the introduction of chemotherapy, however, doctors have known certain cancer treatments can cause cardiac issues.
Come hear how cardio-oncologists provide preventative heart care for cancer patients. Experts from St. Elizabeth Heart & Vascular Institute and Mayo Clinic will explore the topic, starting with the basics of how cancer treatment can affect the heart, and how cardiologists and oncologists are working together to personalize treatments based on a patient’s risk factors to minimize heart damage.
- Darek Sanford, MD
Cardio-Oncologist, St. Elizabeth Heart & Vascular Institute
- Dr. Joerg Herrmann, MD
Director, Cardio-Oncology ClinicMayo Clinic
This event is free, but registration is required. Register online or by calling (859) 301-WELL (9355).
Registration deadline is Thursday, July 16.