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Veterans Appreciation Luncheon

If you are a veteran, having served in the United States Military, please join us for a luncheon in your honor.

Beginning at 10:30 a.m. veterans are invited to the lobby to visit with veteran organizations that will provide resources and information regarding veteran benefits and services. The program will begin at 11:00 a.m. with welcoming remarks and Presentation of Colors.Following, there will be speakers, music and a catered lunch.

November 6, 2017
10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

St. Elizabeth Training and Education Center (SETEC)
3861 Olympic Blvd.
Erlanger, KY 41018

The catered meal will be provided by Receptions Event Center. Our thanks and appreciation goes out to Receptions for graciously donating the meal to our event!

Veterans and one (1) family member or caregiver are invited to partake in this event.

Please click here for a downloadable registration form. There are three ways to register:

  • Email completed reservation forms to Emily Cahill at emily.cahill@stelizabeth.com.
  • Leave a message with pertinent reservation information at (859) 301-4563 for each attendee.
  • Mail the completed reservation form to
    St. Elizabeth Hospice
    Attn: Emily Cahill
    483 S. Loop Dr.
    Edgewood, KY 41017

Please RSVP by October 30, 2017.

We are immeasurably grateful for the service and sacrifice of our veterans,defending our nation and our American values. It is their service that has enabled us to live freely in this beautiful country.

Event Details

  • Department:
  • Date:
    Mon, November 6, 2017
  • Time:
    10:30 AM - 1:00 PM