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What is an Advanced Directive?

St. Elizabeth Ft. Thomas

There is often much confusion surrounding
having a “living will” and having a “will.”
These are two entirely separate documents, with different purposes. A “will” is used to distribute your estate after your death. A “Living Will” or “Advance Directive” is used to let medical professionals know your preferences regarding end-of-life care decisions such as whether you wish to be kept on life support or not as well as other treatment preferences — if you are terminally ill or permanently unconscious and unable to communicate your preferences yourself. Join Attorney Michael Ruberg when he talks about how to complete an Advance Directive and Maureen Hebert, RN shares her experiences as both a nurse and a daughter and how Advance Directives make a difference.

St. Elizabeth Ft. Thomas
Conference Rooms A&B


Space is limited and reservations are required. Please call (859) 301-5999 to reserve your spot.

Event Details

  • Department:
  • Date:
    Wed, February 24, 2016
  • Time:
    10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Phone Number:
    (859) 301-5999
  • Location:
    St. Elizabeth Ft. Thomas
St. Elizabeth Ft. Thomas

85 North Grand Avenue, Ft. Thomas, KY 41075

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