Stroke Services

Every stroke is different and the effects depend on the area of the brain affected and the length of time those cells are without oxygen. St. Elizabeth Healthcare is here for your diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation every step of the way.

Stroke Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation

Stroke is a leading cause of adult disability and the third leading cause of death in the United States. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel bringing blood and oxygen to the brain gets blocked or ruptures which stops brain cells from receiving the blood flow that they need. When brain cells are damaged, the part of the body that they control can no longer function as it used to. Every stroke is different and the effects depend on the area of the brain affected and the length of time those cells are without oxygen. In some cases, a clot-busting drug can be administered to diminish the effects of a stroke.

The services for stroke care at St. Elizabeth Healthcare extend from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation. Our stroke services include:

Risk Assessments and Wellness Imaging

Collaboration with EMS and Stroke Team

Specialized Nursing Staff





The sooner you call 911, the
better chance of recovery.

Medical experts agree that the best way to prevent death and severe debilitation from stroke is to get treated in the earliest stages. That means everybody should learn to recognize the warning signs.

Balance, Eye, Face, Arm, Speech, Time

What to Do

  • Call 911 or emergency responders immediately!

What Not to Do

  • Do not make a doctor’s appointment.
  • Do not drive yourself or the patient to the hospital.
  • Do not wait for additional symptoms.

How to prevent a stroke

The good news about stroke is that it is largely preventable. You can take steps to prevent stroke by reducing and controlling a number of risk factors. Controllable risk factors include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Physical inactivity

Signs of a “Mini Stroke”

Transient Ischemic Attack or TIA, is a “mini stroke” that occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery for a short period of time. The symptoms of a TIA are like the warning signs of a stroke but usually only last a few minutes. TIAs are strong predictors of whether or not you are at risk for stroke. Don’t ignore these warning signs and be sure to seek medical attention immediately.

Joint Commission Certified
Stroke Care

Gold Seal of Quality Certification by
Joint Commission

St. Elizabeth Healthcare has attained advanced certification by The Joint Commission. This means that our Edgewood, Florence and Fort Thomas Hospitals are certified as Primary Stroke Centers and our Covington and Grant Hospitals are certified as Acute Ready Stroke Centers.

Each of these certifications provides the next generation of stroke care, and has met The Joint Commission’s high standards in providing stroke care.

The Joint Commission is the leading accreditor of healthcare organizations in America. The organization uses information from health care experts, patients, providers and scientific and medical literature to evaluate a facility’s compliance with safety and quality standards.