You Can

Improve Eating Habits

Healthy Eating 101

Being mindful of the things you eat is critical because your body responds to the food it receives – either good or bad.

Eating the right foods provides your body with the nutrients and antioxidants for a stronger immune system, healthy body functions, improved digestion and boosted energy levels.

But even when you want to eat better, it’s not always easy to know where to start. The internet is filled with ever changing nutrition trends and diet fads, trying to keep up with them can be overwhelming and sometimes unhealthy.

As a general rule, eating better for your heart health comes down to these basics:

  • Whole grain foodsavoid processed or refined grains like white bread or pasta.
  • Plant-based or lean proteins – think legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish and low-fat dairy products.
  • Reduce sodium (salt) – read food labels to avoid sneaky sodium.
  • Avoid sugary drinks – they add calories and increase blood sugar levels.
  • Healthy fats like olive oil – saturated fat raises your “bad” cholesterol (LDL).
  • Eat more fiber – helps control blood sugar and cholesterol.

If you aren’t sure if you’re following proper eating habits, consult your primary care provider to discuss your concerns or questions.

Nutrition is Critical for Health

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in promoting overall health and wellness. It also helps to ward off the development of many serious and chronic health conditions, including:

If you have an unhealthy lifestyle, or you simply want to make better choices for your heart, trust St. Elizabeth experts to get you on track!

Understanding Food Labels

In the United States, the FDA requires Nutrition Facts labeling for most packaged foods and drinks. The values and percentages listed on this label are for a single serving as part of a 2,000 daily calorie diet.

Carefully reviewing and understanding food labels makes a big difference when it comes to your health.

These labels are an excellent tool to help you:

  • Make conscious decisions about what to eat.
  • Avoid certain ingredients.
  • Track your calories.
  • Monitor serving sizes.

Importance of Eating Breakfast

A well-balanced breakfast is a great way to start your day off right. Studies show that eating breakfast has several benefits:

By skipping breakfast, you miss out on essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. Additionally, people who skip breakfast are five times more likely to be overweight than those who eat breakfast.

Bottom Line

When it comes to improving your heart health, nutrition is a wonderful place to start. Keep in mind that you don’t have to make big changes all at once, the goal is to make eating healthier a habit rather than a struggle.

If you’re ready to make positive changes in your eating routine, work with your primary care provider. They will provide recommendations based on your current medical history, lifestyle and goals. If your provider thinks you would benefit from additional nutrition guidance, they can connect you with a dietitian or other health professional.

Keeping a food journal is a great way to track eating habits and help you identify the “Whys“, such as:

  • Why do you eat when you’re not hungry?
  • Why do you choose to eat sweets over fruit?
  • Why do you feel worse after eating certain foods?
  • Why do you eat more when dining with friends and family?

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You Can Be a Healthier You

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(859) 301-WELL (9355)