First Steps Early Intervention

Comprehensive Services Through Community Agencies

The First Steps Early Intervention System provides services to your children with developmental delays and their families from birth to age three. First Steps offers comprehensive services through a variety of community agencies and services. The Northern Kentucky First Steps Point of Entry serves families in Boone, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Kenton, Owen and Pendleton counties, regardless of income.

Is My Child Eligible?

Children referred to the program are screened for developmental delays or for a certain medical diagnosis that is confirmed to be an Established Risk Condition.

Eligibility for the program is determined in two ways:

  1. Developmental delay – a child may be eligible for services if an evaluation shows that he or she is not developing typically in at least one of the following skill areas:
    • Communication
    • Cognition
    • Physical
    • Social
    • Emotional or self-help
  2. Automatic entry – a child may be eligible if he or she receives a diagnosis of a particular medical condition (Established Risk) that is known to cause a developmental delay, such as Down syndrome.

Services after initial intake are provided in the child’s natural environment which includes the home, child care or other community settings, depending on the needs of the child and family.

Learn More

For more information about the services available through The Family Birth Place, please call (859) 301-2229 (BABY).

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