Pre-admission Education Visit

If you plan to deliver your baby at the Family Birth Place, call Central Scheduling at (877) 424-5750 to schedule a pre-admission conversation with a dedicated nurse educator. This appointment will be conducted over the phone. Appointments fill quickly and there may be a wait time of 6 to 8 weeks.

Your Personal Nurse Educator

A pre-admission nurse educator, a nurse experienced in obstetrics, offers expertise in assessing your needs and the needs of your family as your baby’s birth approaches. Your doctor’s office will provide information to schedule an appointment with the pre-admission nurse educator or you may call directly. The nurse educator will provide important and useful information about self-care, infant care, and hospital procedures and answer any questions you may have regarding your medical condition.

In addition, the nurse educator will:

  • Prepare your inpatient chart and review your health history.
  • Discuss other services available at St. Elizabeth Healthcare.
  • Be available to answer any questions.
  • Register you for childbirth classes.
  • Please try to have your pediatrician selected before your appointment.

This advance preparation allows you to have a worry-free experience when labor begins.

Tours are NOT included during this visit, but you may do a virtual tour.

Schedule Your Appointment

For more information and to schedule a pre-admission appointment, call the Central Scheduling line.

Schedule your appointment today.

Visit MyChart Open Scheduling and click on Obstetrics and Gynecology to book your pre-admission appointment.

Explore the Family Birth Place!

Take a virtual tour and see what to expect before you deliver your bundle of joy.